2014-06-15 - Austin Lady Bird Lake Loop

^z 23rd April 2023 at 7:49am

~10 miles @ ~10.4 min/mi

Would you accept a plastic bag with unmarked white capsules from a strange sweaty old man? A young couple do when I offer them "Succeed!" electrolyte caps after they run past me, then stop exhausted at a water fountain on the north side of the Austin Texas (Lady Bird Lake) loop trail. "Don't take more than 2 per hour," I advise. "They're good against cramps!"

The fancy new River Boardwalk is open now. It cuts off hilly sidewalk mileage and eliminates Interstate-35 on-ramp car dodging. Humidity is high; the morning sun is bright. After a couple of miles the pace slows and walk breaks begin. The singlet finally comes off after 7 miles.

At Longhorn Dam it's time to salute a peloton of cyclists, stop both GPS units, find a flat gravel patch on the lake shore, and do T'ai Chi for 20 minutes (half a dozen repeats of the 24 Forms) to cool down and dry off in the breeze. Runkeeper and Garmin GPS agree to within 1%.

^z - 2014-07-01